Edit: New fixed version
This script for NSClient++ checks if there is any failed jobs in MS SQL server. The database connection data is stored in a UDL file.
External script alias in nsclient:
check_mssql_jobs=cscript.exe //T:30 //NoLogo scripts\check_mssql_jobs.vbs /MaxWarn:0 /MaxCrit:1 /truncate:900
Nagios command:
define service{
use generic-service
host_name SEHQFVD03
service_description MSSQL jobs
check_command check_nrpe_check_mssql_jobs
high_flap_threshold 35.0
low_flap_threshold 30.0
notification_options w,u,c,r,f
'# Check MSSQL jobs over UDL TEST v0.0.0.4
'# VIKJON0 2010-02-13
'# VIKJON0 2010-03-02 Only look at latest time job was run
Option Explicit
Dim strConnection, conn, rs, strSQL
Dim objConn
Dim connStr
Dim foundTXT, returnTXT, perfTXT
Dim errLevel, errLevelTXT
Dim MaxWarn, MaxCrit, numberOfRows, truncate
Dim wshArgs
'--Set working directory
Dim WshShell
Set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
'WScript.Echo WshShell.CurrentDirectory
WshShell.CurrentDirectory = "C:\Program Files\NSClient++\scripts"
'--Get command line arguments-- /MaxWarn:Y /MaxCrit:Z /truncate:x
Set wshArgs = wscript.arguments
if wshArgs.Named.exists("MaxWarn") then
MaxWarn = cint(wshArgs.named.item("MaxWarn"))
MaxWarn = 0
end if
if wshArgs.Named.exists("MaxCrit") then
MaxCrit = cint(wshArgs.named.item("MaxCrit"))
MaxCrit = 0
end if
if wshArgs.Named.exists("truncate") then
truncate = cint(wshArgs.named.item("truncate"))
truncate = 0
end if
'--Run db query-----------------------
strConnection = "File Name=myUDL.udl; "
Set conn = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
conn.Open strConnection
Set rs = CreateObject("ADODB.recordset")
'Check only category = 3 for maintence jobs
strSQL = "SELECT name, message,category_id FROM msdb.dbo.sysjobs AS J LEFT OUTER JOIN msdb.dbo.sysjobhistory AS H ON J.job_id = H.job_id " &_
"WHERE enabled = 1 AND run_status != 1 AND step_id = 0 " &_
"AND (cast(run_date as varchar) + RIGHT('00' + cast(run_time as varchar),6)) = " &_
"(select max(cast(run_date as varchar) + RIGHT('00' + cast(run_time as varchar),6)) " &_
"FROM msdb.dbo.sysjobhistory AS H2 where H2.job_id = H.job_id AND H2.step_id = 0 " &_
")order by name"
rs.open strSQL, conn, 3,3
numberOfRows = rs.recordcount
foundTXT = ""
if numberOfRows = 0 then
foundTXT = "check_db OK"
foundTXT = foundTXT & rs("name") & "#"
end if
'--Ceck result and build return data
If truncate > 0 then
foundTXT = left(foundTXT,truncate)
end if
errLevel = 0
errLevelTXT = ""
if not MaxCrit = 0 AND numberOfRows >= MaxCrit then
errLevel = 2
errLevelTXT = ", found errors: " & numberOfRows & " > critical"
if not MaxWarn = 0 AND numberOfRows >= MaxWarn then
errLevel = 1
errLevelTXT = ", found errors: " & numberOfRows & " > warning"
end if
end if
perfTXT = "|'found errors'=" & numberOfRows &";" & MaxWarn & ";" & MaxCrit & ";"
returnTXT = foundTXT & errLevelTXT & perfTXT
'msgbox returnTXT
'--Close and exit
Set rs = Nothing
Set conn = Nothing
Wscript.StdOut.WriteLine ReturnTXT
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