I have decided to change my configuration. Instead of base it on a ubuntu desktop I will do a xbmcbuntu installation according to the official guide with the same name. The only reason is that this is what everybody else does. The performance will not be improved.
I will still need a gui but I will add it on top of the xbmc installation instead of the other way around. I think I will stick to gnome for the moment, but am working on a openbox setup as well. The biggest difference in the end will be that I will not run in GDM.
XBMCbuntu installation on ION 330 (Asrock)
0) Preparations
Flash BIOS => 1.50
Set shared memory to 512Mb
1) XBMCbuntu setup
Refer to the official wiki this is just my installation log.
*I use a PPA installation for NVIDIA
*I install openbox instead of fluxbox/blackbox EDIT: I will probably switch back to flux)
a) Install minimal ubuntu
-install from 32-bit mini cd (or server CD??)
-don't create the xbmc user in this step (I create xbmcadmin /xbmc)
-Select autoinstall security updates
-optional: Create an extra partition for storage and format it
-add basic server. But Why should Basic Ubuntu Server be added? I didn't select anything at all before.
-add ssh
connect with SSH or type the rest of the commands in terminal.
b) Initial system config (add sources)
sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list.d/xbmc.org.list
add these lines:
deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/team-xbmc/ppa/ubuntu/ jaunty main
deb-src http://ppa.launchpad.net/team-xbmc/ppa/ubuntu/ jaunty main
deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/xbmc-addons/ppa/ubuntu/ jaunty main
deb-src http://ppa.launchpad.net/xbmc-addons/ppa/ubuntu/ jaunty main
#deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/team-xbmc-svn/ppa/ubuntu jaunty main
#deb-src http://ppa.launchpad.net/team-xbmc-svn/ppa/ubuntu jaunty main
save file and exit (CTRL-O CTRL-X)
Add keys
sudo apt-key adv --recv-keys --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com 318C7509 91E7EE5E 64234534
(addons, live PPA, SVN PPA)
Update apt
sudo apt-get update
c) Install custom boot splash (optional)
sudo apt-get install usplash-theme-xbmc-*
sudo nano /etc/usplash.conf
sudo update-alternatives --config usplash-artwork.so
sudo update-initramfs -u
d) Install XBMC
If you want to install SVN directly
sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list.d/xbmc.org.list
-and comment out the stable (first 2 lines) and uncomment the svn
sudo apt-get install xbmc xinit x11-xserver-utils
e) Install "restricted drivers" for NVIDIA from 3rd party PPA
*I the nvidia-vdpau PPA. It has more alternatives than the two in the guide. e.g. downgrade => 180
sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list
deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/nvidia-vdpau/ppa/ubuntu jaunty main
Add key
sudo apt-key adv --recv-keys --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com CEC06767
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install linux-headers-generic nvidia-glx-185
*Version 180 seem to work better for the moment. Less frame drops. I am on 180 right now
sudo nvidia-xconfig -s --no-logo --force-generate
f) Test basic installation of XBMC
add simple window manager
sudo apt-get install fluxbox xterm
type startx in console
right-click select terminal & type xbmc
g) Install xbmc helpers
sudo apt-get install xbmc-live python-apt
enter pwd for xbmc user etc
sudo nano /boot/grub/menu.lst
xbmc=nodiskmount,noredir loglevel=0
xbmc=noredir loglevel=0
to the end of the first option kernel line
depending on if you want to automount disks or not.
*I will use the first, manually mount my storage partition and later add gnome-mount to handle USB.
add safe mode by copying the first section and remove "quite splash quite"
and add "(safe mode)" to the title line. Don't enable mount in safe mode. That way you can boot without mounting and manually mount any fixed disks.
f) Updating alsa
installing from rep:
sudo apt-get install linux-sound-base alsa-base alsa-utils
*For the moment I am testing with this, supposed to be some upgrades lately.
installing the latest (1.0.20)
wget http://xbmc.org/wp-content/uploads/alsaup.sh
chmod +x alsaup.sh
sudo ./alsaup.sh -di
g) Additional settings and packages
sudo alsamixer
-Unmute and set volume (MM means muted and OO On)
-Hit "m" to toggle mute on/off.
-Do not forget to unmute HDMI if you are going to use that
sudo alsactl store
-store the settings
h) Optional: Install support for a remote
sudo apt-get install lirc
This should pretty much be a vanila XBMCbuntu installation
With the exception of openbox and the diskmount.
2) Upgrade to SVN (optional)
exit XBMC
sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list.d/xbmc.org.list
-uncomment the svn line and comment the stable PPA
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade
3) Config
a) delete guisettings.xml (will erase all your settings)
sudo rm /home/xbmc/.xbmc/userdata/guisettings.xml
b) Enable 24hz, auto adjust refresh rate
add in screen section in /etc/X11/xorg.conf
Option "DynamicTwinView" "False"
Option "FlatPanelProperties" "Scaling = Native"
sudo sed -i '60i\ Option "DynamicTwinView" "False"' /etc/X11/xorg.conf
sudo sed -i '60i\ Option "FlatPanelProperties" "Scaling = Native"' /etc/X11/xorg.conf
check result
sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf
c) Disable HW curser
Add in section device in /etc/X11/xorg.conf
Option "HWCursor" "False"
sudo sed -i '50i\ Option "HWCursor" "False"' /etc/X11/xorg.conf
check result
sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf
d) reboot
sudo reboot
4) Config in XBMC
a) enable VDPAU and Auto adjust refresh rate
Change render method => VDPAU
Set "Auto adjust refresh rate" on
b) setup sound
Enable digital sound
Settings for SPDIF:
Setting for HDMI:
If mp3 is playing to fast, try with: